MDC Newsroom
The new MDC Marketplace includes new features like the Quoting Assistant, an easy-to-use tool that helps buyers to request quotes from different providers faster and provides better and more direct notifications to sellers, but there are also benefits for your marketing team.
What benefits does my marketing team get with this new version of the Marketplace?
Get access to a series of completely free initiatives with an approximate market value of $250,000 each year, broken down in the following ways:
An extended high-performance marketing team
For customers with limited marketing resources, it is a challenge to reach out and create content strategies and campaigns that are aimed at the marketplaces they belong to.
The MDC marketing team can help in the following ways:
1. Building your profile on the MDC Marketplace
- We design your profile with the look & feel of your brand
- We create content of value both in English and Spanish to help position your MDC Marketplace profile
- We put together a Boost kit developed by our marketing and design teams to help you promote your profile on your own channels
2. Positioning within the ecosystem
- We promote your Marketplace profile on our social media channels
- We will publish a special mention about your profile in our Newsletter
3. Pipeline acceleration
Create an exclusive offer for the MDC ecosystem and the MDC marketing team will help plan and execute a digital marketing campaign to promote your offer. This campaign will be directed to our database of over +700 qualified key contacts.
Stronger content syndication initiatives
If you don’t currently count with copywriters, editors, or a content development team and you would like to boost your content, take advantage of your extended marketing team at MDC.
How does it work?
If you are interested in a content syndication partnership, reach out to our marketing team to arrange a meeting. Together we will evaluate what content topics we can develop. For example, if your company has experience in security issues, we can create an Ebook on the subject of security.
The content created will be co-branded. The idea is to position your company within our ecosystem as an expert in the subject that you dominate through valuable content.
Carrying out strategies requires a deep understanding of our ecosystem needs, careful planning, strategic targeting, and continuous monitoring, which can cost anywhere between $4,000 and $10,000 on average. But MDC offers these initiatives at no cost to all our clients, along with the benefits of a curated database of key contacts and a bilingual editorial team that can help you position your content and generate leads through the Marketplace.
We focus on creating content that provides value to the industry and we strictly avoid commercial content to respect our carrier neutrality. These are some examples of the content that we can develop together:
- Webinars
- Blog posts
- Handbooks
- Case Studies