Trust & Neutrality:  The Challenges IXPs Face in Mexico
23 Sep, 2019 Trends

Trust & Neutrality: The Challenges IXPs Face in Mexico

The benefits of internet exchange points (IXPs) have now been well documented for over a decade. Around the world, IXPs bring together Internet service providers (ISPs) and content delivery networks (CDNs) to exchange Internet traffic…

The MDC Marketplace is the sales force you need
22 Sep, 2019 Products

The MDC Marketplace is the sales force you need

Despite the growth of Telecoms in Mexico, Mexican carriers have failed to consolidate a robust sales force in the United States. According to official data from the LinkedIn professional platform, the salary of a Regional…

IPv6 Deployment Triples in Mexico
26 Aug, 2019 Trends

IPv6 Deployment Triples in Mexico

From June 8th, 2018 to June 8th, 2019 IPv6 deployment in Mexico surged from 8.4% to 24.7% based on data by Akamai.  IPv6 connections in Mexico tripled over the past year. As of August 15th,…

Cloud Wars: DoD Secretary Strikes Back
26 Aug, 2019 Trends

Cloud Wars: DoD Secretary Strikes Back

The Department of  Defense has postponed awarding the 10$ billion JEDI cloud contract indefinitely until the newly appointed DoD Secretary, Mark Esper, completes a series of audits of the technology.  The Pentagon’s colossal cloud-computing contract,…

CFE: Mexico’s new telecom player
26 Aug, 2019 Trends

CFE: Mexico’s new telecom player

The electrical networks of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE, by its acronym in Spanish) will be the conduit for the fiber optic that is intended to cover 95% of the Mexican population on the Internet.…

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