MDC Newsroom
Say Goodbye to 01 and 044, hello ten digits!
The Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) has approved the new dialing which standardizes all 10-digit numbers and eliminates the prefixes 01, 044, 045 and 1.
Beginning August 3, 2019, the new dialing eliminate the old prefixes currently used for national long distance, dials from landlines to mobile numbers, calls from landlines to mobile numbers outside the home state, and international long distance calls.
This change is expected to facilitate telephone dialing in the country. Now, to call a number, whether fixed, mobile, cellular or long distance, it will be enough to put 55 for Mexico City, 33 for Guadalajara, 81 for Monterrey, and so on. Despite being official, the change is not expected to occur instantly due to necessary modifications in networks and systems.
This is an expected and necessary change since the last update in telephone dialing that was made in 2006 when 045 was added.
In 2018, the number of mobile lines in Mexico exceeded 115 million, and although the IFT registers more than 20 million landlines they are in danger of disappearing. More and more people leave the fixed-line for a mobile one.
Since 2017, the Federal Telecommunications Institute announced that telephone dialing in Mexico would be modified thanks to the “Fundamental Technical Numbering Plan” by the Telecommunications reform carried out in March 2018.