The MDC Portal provides quick access to critical information to our customers and much more. In this Q&A we will talk with Omar Alemán, one of MDC’s Customer Success Advocates, to discuss one of the most important tools within the MDC product ecosystem.
Omar, what is the MDC Portal?
To put it simply, the MDC Portal is a management tool fully developed by the MDC team that offers our clients the opportunity to have real-time information regarding the infrastructure they have trusted us with.
What kind of information does the MDC Portal provide?
The MDC Portal mainly displays information of your inventory in real-time, customers can view key data like:
- Contracted energy
- What equipment they have (racks)
- Equipment location
- Panel and port visibility
- Port status (active, available, and damaged ports)
- Detailed information about ports (identifier, request and billing date, etc)
- Number of cross-connects and with who those are connected to

How does information help our clients?
The portal helps clients in a number of ways that can be organized in two categories:, operational activities and commercial services. On the operational side, the MDC Portal provides a direct communication channel with our Network Operations Center (NOC) provides the ability to manage the products and services that have been contracted with MDC, or even access the associated documentation like service orders and LOAs.
The MDC Portal also helps customers to monitor the status of the support tickets, from its generation to their fulfillment.
Now, on the commercial side, the MDC Portal makes it easy to view existing connections. upgrade services, contract more space and energy, or even add cross connects.
Why is the MDC Portal important for our industry?
Visibility is crucial in this industry, our clients deal with many service providers and have multiple locations. Having reliable and up-to-date information, timely follow-ups, and an agile response is key to better grow a business. The type of information the portal offers enables customers to make better decisions while saving time and money.
“The MDC Portal is a tool that helps make decisions for the future.”
At MDC, one of our goals is to facilitate the day-to-day activities of our clients to ensure their business success. The MDC Portal provides a complete panorama that provides peace of mind for our customers.
If you still do not have access to the MDC Portal or would like to take a tour of the platform, schedule a call with an MDC Customer Success Advocate.